Doriana G Diaz

Come Find Me

Collage on paper, 40 x 28.5", 2022


Chyanne Kemp


Mixed media and collage on paper, 6 x 6", 2021


Chyanne Kemp

Star is Born

Watercolor and ink on paper, 9 x 7", 2021


Chyanne Kemp


Watercolor and ink on paper, 6 x 6", 2021


Shelby Reed

Testing 1 series

Wall relief, ceramic and mixed media (18 pieces), 7 x 7 x 2" each, 2022


Coco Spencer


Print, of original analogue collage, 8 x 12", 2022


William Way LGBT Community Center

1315 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
P: 215-732-2220