Frankie Modesto

Freedom to Give

Oil on canvas, March 2021, 60 x 36"


Riley Gosnell

Death and Rebirth, Marriage and Separation

Digital photograph, December 15, 2020, 11 x 17"


Logan JM

Blue Daddy

Colored pencil and marker on bristol board, January 2021, 12 x 9"


Coco Spencer


Collage on paper, August 2020, 12 x 8"




Watercolor and ink with century plant stem on red rosin paper, March 2021, 46 x 36"


Lawrence Ade Scales

Six Months Post Op

Oil pastel, acrylic, and found objects on paper, 16 x 13"



Black Joy

Oil on wood, July 2020, 24 x 24"


Christine Jung

Good Night

Porcelain sculpture with glaze luster and permanent marker, February 2021, 7 x 7.5 x .5”



William Way LGBT Community Center

1315 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
P: 215-732-2220