“History isn’t something you look back at and say it was inevitable, it happens because people make decisions that are sometimes very impulsive and of the moment, but those moments are cumulative realities.”
– Marsha P. Johnson
A way of thinking about our Queer community is through its development from isolated individuals and small groups of Queers considered “sexual deviants” through the 1950’s, to the eruptions of resistance riots against persecution in the 1960-70’s, to the consolidation of a movement and the fight for civil rights as members of a “sexual minority” during the 1980-90’s, to the emergence in the 2000’s of the the perception that 15-30 million LGBTQIA+ individuals in the U.S. were members of a unique Queer “cultural community”.
The foundations for our Queer cultural community were established in the generations coming of age in the 1950’s and 1960’s, the Silent Generation and the Boomer Generation. The artists, musicians, performers, and authors from these assertive generations of Queers powerfully represented an open declaration of Queer creativity in our society. In their determination to be heard they created art; wrote poems, novels, plays; they recorded compositions, performed new songs, choreographed dances, and spearheaded new artistic movements. Through their extraordinary and courageous efforts, the beginnings of a Queer culture asserted itself, captured in the adage “We’re here, we’re Queer, get used to it”.
The eleven artists, four poets and one musician presenting their creativity in this unique arts exhibition are all members of this foundational cohort of LGBTQIA+, a generational wave of Queers who refused to be silenced, ignored, rejected or erased. Each in their individual lives has contributed enormously to the formation and support of our Queer cultural community in Philadelphia.
Thanks to this foundational generation of Queer creatives, we have a thriving presence today in the cultural life of our city. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their persistent generous fight to be seen and heard, whether their speaking out was done boldly or quietly—they are creative radicals.
Linda Lee Alter
Janus Ourma
Gallery 5
Roberta Dickinson
Patrick Crofton
Gallery 6
Brian Dennis
Keith R. Breitfeller
Gallery 7
Jim Cory
Alden W. Cole
Gallery 8
Corliss “corky” Cavalieri
David Acosta
The art exhibitions presented by the William Way LGBT Community Center throughout 2020-2022 were never intended to be viewed exclusively in an online format. However, with the closing of our physical building due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all art exhibitions scheduled for 2020-22 will be presented as online exhibitions.
Although never the same as experiencing artworks in the Community Center’s gallery, online art exhibitions provide a safe viewing alternative, promote the artist’s creativity, and provide an opportunity for interested viewers to purchase artworks.
Prices for works that are available for sale are listed within the captions for each artwork. 65% of each sale will go to the artist and 35% will go to the Community Center to support our arts & culture programs. If you would like to make a purchase please email John Anderies, who will make arrangements to take your credit card information over the phone and make artwork delivery arrangements.
Thank you so much for your continued support and patronage of Philadelphia’s LGBTQ+ artists and the Community Center’s arts & culture programs.
William Way LGBT Community Center
1315 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 P: 215-732-2220