"And the Dancing Nudes, another fave of mine, was done before the shit hit the fan. When all was well and joyful."
— Sharon Eisenhour, sister of David Meade Walker
"Through experimental processes within an analogue darkroom, I seek to create transformative representations of the summer of 1981; I'm interested in the vibe of that particular moment, the energy and information it reveals."
— Gabriel Martinez35>
"He is making some sort of statement about his body. John wasn't too sure about his sexuality. I don't mean in terms of sexual orientation. I mean him as a sexual person. I think this series of portraits has a lot to do with resolving that."
— Bruce Kingsley, John Laub's partner, in The Journeys of John Laub: Fire Island and Beyond, 2017
"The unknown of 'the gay plague': Who will be next. Those words, 'they’re sick', increasingly repeated. This photo — the ritual of ‘getting ready’ before the club. Sharing make-up, clothes, stories, laughter — in the house where a group of us lived."
— Susan DiPronio
"In April of 1995 Paul Woodyard, my life partner, died of complications due to AIDS. His death was not peaceful. I created this work to memorialize his death and its nature."
— Joel Kaylor
Rami GeorgeUntitled (Stanley, my second lover)Video, color, sound, 8:13 mins, 2012
"Untitled (Stanley, my second lover) exists as an attempt to honor my queer and political predecessors (so many lost during the ongoing AIDS crisis), while also thinking towards a present moment, and a constructive future."