Snake Apple Skins Peels
Video stills printed on photo paper, individual cards: 2.75 x 5”, grid: 32 x 28”, 2022
Sells as a zine: $650
1452 E Columbia Ave
Framed photographs and wallpaper from 1452 home on wood, 36 x 46”, 2022
Individual photographs are $90, Middle piece is NFS
Abby Running (September 2022)
Roach’s Birthday (September 2022)
Niels and Sophia (April 2022)
1452 Being Built (August 2022)
Fence on Frankford (August 2022)
Abby Running: 12.5 x 3.5”
Roach’s Birthday: 10 x 7”
Niels and Sophia: 12.5 x 12”
1452 Being Built: 10 x 12”
Fence on Frankford: 15 x 20”
Prices vary from $70 to $300 depending on photograph.
Abby Running: $70, Roach’s Birthday: $75, Niels and Sophia: $150, 1452 Being Built: $120, Fence on Frankford: $300
Corn Maze (October 2022)
1452 Being Built (August 2022)
Disco Ball (October 2022)
Blue Bathroom (October 2022)
Shay and Michael’s Apartment (May 2022)
Moped on Frankford (August 2022)
Photographs; (Dimensions listed from Upper Left Going Clockwise, H x W):
Corn Maze: 24 x 18”
1452 Being Built: 18 x 23.5”
Disco Ball: 24 x 19”
Blue Bathroom: 24 x 18.5”
Shay and Michael’s Apartment: 24 x 18”
Moped on Frankford: 10 x 9”
Prices vary from $90 to $700 depending on photograph.
Corn Maze: $450, 1452 Being Built: $440, Disco Ball: $500, Blue Bathroom: $440, Shay and Michael’s Apartment: $700, Moped on Frankford: $90
Hannah (May 2023)
Hannah (May 2023)
Roach (May 2023)
Roach, Hannah, and Justin (May 2023)
Hannah (May 2023)
Photographs; (Dimensions listed from Upper Left Going Clockwise, H x W):
Hannah: 10.5 x 8.5”
Hannah: 10 x 8”
Roach: 10 x 8.5”
Group Photo: 11 x 14”
Hannah: 8.75 x 7.5”
Prices Vary from $70 to $165 depending on photograph.
Hannah (8.5 x 10.5): $90, Hannah (8x10): $80, Roach (8.5x10): $85, Group Photo (14 x 11): $165, Hannah (7.5 x 8.75): $70